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How to add items to your cart

So, you registered on Soroka-Vorovka website (or you can do it after placing items in your cart – same process), and are ready to proceed with placing your first order. To do that, you need to click on the "Place an order" button.

Next, you will see a form where you should enter the information about your items. It is a simple and user-friendly – it contains many text prompts, and built-in algorithms that will protect you from making mistakes. Still, even for such a simple interface, we decided to write the instructions for you to make your first shopping experience with Soroka-Vorovka an enjoyable one. This is how an empty cart looks like.

Next everything is simple. You find the product you want in the United States. Let’s say that for your first order and to get to know how our service operates you chose a pair of Adidas sneakers in one of the world's most popular outlets – 6pm.com. The page with your sneakers in the store will look like this (in red we marked the elements that you will need to copy to your cart on Soroka-Vorovka when placing your order):

Note: you need to copy to your shopping cart on S-V a full URL of the product page on the seller’s website (the address line from the browser) – you don’t need to add the sneakers to your cart on 6pm.com. You simply copy and paste a link to your sneakers to your cart on Soroka-Vorovka.

Note that the field "Promo Code” we left empty – in this case we chose the item without a special promotion code.

The field "Shipping $" in the shopping cart also was left empty - in this particular case the delivery of goods inside the USA is free. The seller notified you of this by writing FREE Shipping under the price of the item. A filled out cart with one item and preliminary calculation looks like this:

Please note: the online system Soroka-Vorovka already performed a preliminary calculation of the cost of your order.

The commission of the service in this case equals the minimum of $7 because you are only planning one inexpensive purchase. What you see in the line "Total to pay" – is the approximate price of your order, calculated by the system and not yet confirmed by us. That's  This is the so-called Invoice N1

After you clicked on "Send Order" button – your dialog with the operators of Soroka-Vorovka begins. On your account page you will be able to see your order and its first status. In this case, the status will be “Processing”.

We tried to make the online system Soroka-Vorovka as user-friendly and as responsive as possible. It doesn’t only tell you what to do next and how to do it, but it also reports back to you each step of the process via e-mail address specified at registration. So, as soon as you submit your order - the system will report back to you with an e-mail:

"We have received your order. As soon as your order total is calculated you will be notified on this email. To complete this order please deposit funds into your account and confirm the order total, so we'll place your order with a store for you.

Enjoy shopping with us!
Team Soroka-Vorovka.com"

In the same letter the system will also once again list the items in your order - just in case))

As soon as the operator completes the calculation and verification of your order (what if, for example, the shipping wtihin the USA is not free, but you did not specify the amount?), your order status on your account page will change to “Unpaid”.

To your e-mail address Soroka-Vorovka will send a reminder:

"The status of your order has changed
It's time to make a payment! :)".

If you are satisfied with the finalized payment amount, then you need to click on the green dollar sign next to your order, and this would mean that you give us a “green light” to go ahead and withdraw the appropriate amount from your wallet in order to pay for your order, and then the order will be processed with the stores in the nearest future.

Now you will need to refill your account (if you have not done that already). To do this, click on the "Refill account" button and follow the instructions.

VladimirKhabarovsk03 10 22

Марина добрый день. Наконец-то получил долгожданную посылку, все приехало хорошо, за упаковку отдельное спасибо. Упаковали так, что ей не страшно падение с высоты. Извиняюсь за чрезмерную назойливость ...

Sergey X. Moscow, Russia04 22 14

Thanks again to Marina and the team for being quick, prompt, and professional. ...

SergeyMoscow, Russia05 11 14

48 hours!!!! Incredible, THANK YOU Soroka and team! ...