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стоимость доставки из США

стоимость доставки

How to select shipping method

First, you should consider these two factors:

  • Your shopping assistant Soroka-Vorovka will not add a penny to the official rates of international carriers;
  • Your shopping and shipping assistant Soroka-Vorovka has been verified by the TSA (the Transportation Security Administration of the USA) and was given the status of “known shipper” (i.e. a verified, a reliable shipper).

What benefits does that provide you with? Let’s see.

We do not sell a service of international delivery under our own brand – like Soroka-Vorovka express mail, or SV-deliver. Therefore, the transportation rates, even transit ones that involve several carriers, remains completely transparent to you – you will know the exact cost, the delivery time, the amount of airport charges when it comes to delivering by air. On our part, we will always choose for you the fastest or the most cost-efficient shipping methods from the USA – this is a huge advantage and a unique feature of the service Soroka-Vorovka.

Your shopping and shipping assistant Soroka-Vorovka has the status of ‘known shipper’ with the Transportation Security Administration of the USA, which removes any restrictions from our company when selecting among various international carriers, because we have been verified by this main transportation authority as a reliable service provider. What it means in more detail. In the United States after the events of September 11, there have been introduced very strict requirements for shippers , who were divided into 2 categories: known shipper and unknown shipper. With regards to unknown shippers, numerous restrictions were imposed, and the most serious of which was a ban on international mail being transported via passenger flights. What it means, that unknown shippers - and 99.9% of intermediaries in our line of business belong to that category – can only ship their cargo via cargo flights where freight rates are much higher. Soroka-Vorovka went through the verification procedure of the Administration of the Transportation Security (TSA) and received the status of known shipper – and that means that we can work with any international carrier and offer our customers the most competitive shipping rates.

The combination of these two factors allows you to get your purchases made in the United States at the best possible rates. Moreover, the TSA verification procedure also involved checking our credit history and legal credibility of the company, so the status of known shipper is also a confirmation of the reliability of Soroka-Vorovka as a legal entity. As a result, Soroka-Vorovka is your most inexpensive shopping and shipping assistant to make your purchases in American online stores, and we plan to stay that way for years to come)

Now specifically about the methods of delivery.

When placing your items in your cart on Soroka-Vorovka and going through a checkout process, you can choose one of four standard types of package delivery from the USA. If you require the delivery of large cargo from the United States – furniture, large commercial shipments of goods, goods in containers or prefabricated containers – please, contact our operators. Delivery of furniture from the USA and other cargo shipments is the specialization of Soroka-Vorovka, and we are the best in it on this side of the Atlantic!

In reality, Soroka-Vorovka can offer you a lot more options for delivery of your packages from the USA, it’s just these five are standard for the countries where we usually send most packages. If you have difficulty choosing the appropriate shipping method – simply ask one of our operators and they will be happy to help you.

So, what kinds of shipping methods from the USA will our calculator help you with on our website?

Economy air

This is the cheapest shipping method from the United States by air, but it takes quite a long time.

Conditions and limitations:

  • Using this method you can only ship packages weighing 4.5-20 kg (packages that weight less will be rounded up to 4.5kg).
  • The sum of all dimensions (L + W + H) should not exceed 210 cm in total, and each of them individually should be no more than 105 cm.
  • The package is delivered only to the post office.
  • You can track the package ONLY in your country when the package goes through a sorting process and enters customs area.

The transit time is 3-6 weeks.

Regular air

Delivery from the USA via Priority Mail is the most popular method of delivery by air among our customers, and it is the optimal method in terms of the delivery times and the price.

Conditions and limitations:

  • Using this method you can only send packages up to 30 kg.
  • The value of (W + H)* 2 + L cannot exceed 200 cm, and each of the dimensions individually cannot exceed 106 cm.
  • The package is delivered to the post office.
  • You can track your package the whole way using a tracking number.

Delivery times are very dependent on the customs workload and on average take 1-2 weeks.

Express delivery

Delivery from the USA by air using Priority Mail Express is different from Priority Mail in that your package is delivered by a courier to your house.

Conditions and limitations:

  • Using this shipping method you can send packages of up to 30 kg.
  • The value of (W +H)* 2 + L cannot exceed 274sm, and each of the dimensions individually cannot exceed 200 cm.
  • Your packages will be delivered to your door by a courier.
  • You can track your package all the way using a tracking number.

Delivery times are very dependent on the customs workload and on average take 1-2 weeks.

We can also send via air delivery larger, but not very heavy objects (up to 30 kg in weight and no more than 2 meters in linear size):

  • children's slides and strollers;
  • skis, snowboards, bikes, etc.

Delivery by sea

Shipping from the USA by sea of international postal items (IPI) is possible to your post office or to your door. Naturally, this method of delivery is available for countries which have sea freight container terminals. This is a long, but a cheaper way to ship packages and cargos weighing more than 4.5 kg.

1. Delivery by sea to the post office (you can find this method in our calculator)

Conditions and limitations:

  • Using this method you can send packages weighing 4.5-20 kg (if your package weighs less than 4.5 kg its weight will be rounded to 4.5kg).
  • The value of L + W + H cannot exceed 210 cm in total, and each of dimensions individually cannot exceed 105 cm
  • Your package will be delivered to the post office.
  • You can track your package all the way using a tracking number. 

The transit time takes 7-10 weeks, and on average is about 2 months.

2. Delivery by sea to your door by a courier (this shipping method is not in our calculator, but you can always ask our operators for an estimated cost of delivery to your city: for that you need to provide the weight (1) and the dimensions of your package (2) - it is important to calculate the correct cost).

Conditions and limitations:

  • Using this method you can send packages weighing 4.5-30 kg (if your package weighs less than 4.5 kg its weight will be rounded to 4.5 kg).
  • None of the individual package dimensions can exceed 200 cm
  • The package will be delivered to your door.
  • You can track your package all the way using a tracking number provided. 

The transit time takes 7-10 weeks, and on average takes 1.5-2 months.

Shipping of oversized items / large cargo

Generally, the terms of delivery of oversized cargo to your country are described here:

However, considering an endless array of delivery methods of your items from the USA that depend on the destination country, city, type of cargo, packaging requirements, and even the time of year (not a joke) – you should better contact our operators with a specific question. Be prepared to provide them the following details:

  • type of items shipped
  • approximate dimensions
  • approximate weight
  • the address in the USA were the items are located
  • shipping address in your country

VladimirKhabarovsk03 10 22

Марина добрый день. Наконец-то получил долгожданную посылку, все приехало хорошо, за упаковку отдельное спасибо. Упаковали так, что ей не страшно падение с высоты. Извиняюсь за чрезмерную назойливость ...

Anatoly Z. Yakutsk, Russia04 13 14

Thank you! Just received my package. Very satisfied. ...

SERGEY K. Moscow, Russia07 17 14

Thank you, VERY MUCH. ...