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стоимость доставки из США

стоимость доставки

Delivery from USA

We deliver parcels to ALL countries of the Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Central Asia, South America, as well as Canada. If your country is not listed in the calculator on the main page, you can simply use the USPS calculator to calculate the cost to ship your purchases from the United States. Or contact us, and we will get you sorted out in no time.

We ship your purchases from U.S. stores and auctions using multiple shipping options. You can choose the Delivery Method that is most convenient for you:

  • Sea (to your nearby post office or home delivery)
  • Air  (regular departure, or express departure)
  • Air  (delivery of oversized cargo to your nearest international airport) 
  • Sea (ship cars or motorcycles to your nearest sea terminal) 


Being that we are based in NYC we are directly in the middle of all transport routes of America (both Air and Sea). So this allows us to offer a variety of delivery methods from the United States to Europe. Depending on the nature of your order, we always advise you of the most appropriate way for your case - if what you have selected is not quite fit for your order.

Here we listed the four service options that are most commonly used in receiving your American merchandise:

  • Shipped to customs (you perform the custom clearance and pick up your merchandise)
  • Shipped to a customs broker (we perform out the customs clearance, and you pick up your  merchandise from customs)
  • Shipped to our warehouse (we perform the customs clearance and deliver your merchandise to our warehouse from which you can pick up your merchandise)
  • Shipped to your address (we perform the custom clearance and your merchandise will be delivered to 


Country City of Arrival Soroka-Vorovka Warehouse Office & Warehouse (Partners of S-V) Customs Broker Domestic Transport & Export Air Cargo Sea
Russia Moscow    
St. Petersburg  
Ukraine Keiv    
Kazakhstan Astana    
Georgia Tbilisi    
Azerbaijan Baku   *
Armenia Yerevan   *
Finland Helsinki    
Italy Milan    
Poland Warsaw    
Lithuania Klaipeda     
Turkey Istanbul  
UAE Dubai    
Euro-Union Anywhere wide-body aircraft are permitted       Depending on delivery of city **



*through Georgia

**if the country has Marine 

City of Arrival: Location of cargo terminal and customs.

Soroka-Vorovka Warehouses: All 4 service options for delivery and support are available in the country of destination. There are no restrictions or limits - if there is a town on the map, we will make sure your package gets there. Tracking - you can track your package through our website which will provide detailed information from the point of pick up to delivery.

Office and Warehouse Partners of S-V: All 4 Delivery Methods are available. No delivery restrictions. If your town is on a map, we will deliver your order to that town. Soroka-Vorovka takes responsibility for the integrity of our partners. You can track your order through Soroka-Vorovka and as well as the freight company’s website (e.g.: USPS, FedEx, etc...)

Customs Broker: In the city of where your package arrives there is a customs broker, whom Soroka-Vorovka collaborates with. You can always use your own broker if you have one, just don’t forget to let us know in advance and be sure to complete the transactions properly. 

Soroka-Vorovka.com - we deliver!

Storing Your Goods At Our Warehouse
Storage For Large Sized Goods
Shipping from USA to Russia
Delivery of oversized goods from USA to Russia
Shipping from USA to Ukraine
Shipping from USA to Kazakhstan
Delivery of oversized goods from USA to Kazakhstan
Shipping from USA to Belarus



















любой, куда летают wide-body aircraft

VladimirKhabarovsk03 10 22

Марина добрый день. Наконец-то получил долгожданную посылку, все приехало хорошо, за упаковку отдельное спасибо. Упаковали так, что ей не страшно падение с высоты. Извиняюсь за чрезмерную назойливость ...

Ekaterina K. Moscow, Russia05 02 14

Made my first order on this site! Everything was done on the highest level! I especially liked the very attentive service! Made as soon as possible! Thank you Marina)) I will sure order again!! With y ...

Alexander T. Krasnokamsky, Russia06 05 14

Thank you! Fast enough (given that it was necessary to collect around the world). I will be ordering again in the future, and advise others to do so as well… ...