Order status | What happen | You can or need to do |
- We received your order bill N1 |
- delete your order - edit your order - add money to your account - pay for this order |
- We confirmed or correct total of your order bill N1 |
- delete your order - edit your order - add money to your account - pay for this order |
- order paid |
- add new itens to your order |
- Order placed and confirmed by US store |
- add new itens to your order | |
- Seller/USA store shipped items from your order to our warehouse |
- add new itens to your order | |
- Your order received at our warehouse. bill N2 |
- add new itens to your order - select/change shipping method - send us "prepare for shipping" request. - request to check received goods - add money to your account |
- Your package is ready to go, bill N2 |
- add money to your account - pay and ship your package out. - once shipping paid your package is out for delivery from USA |
- Order is shipped out - We sent you your tracking number |
- track your package - let us know once package is received |
- write us feedback - make new order - tell your friends ;) |